Maintain Identity


Click on any topic below to go directly to that section in this tutorial.

 Overview & Quick Start
 Maintain Identity Privileges
 Allow Another MLS Member to Assume Your Identity
 Assume Another MLS Member's Identity
 Using Another Member's Identity
 Index of Tutorials

Overview and Quick Start

To sign into CTI Navigator as someone else who has granted you permission to assume their MLS identity, or to allow an MLS member in your office (including staff or personal assistants) to sign into CTI Navigator II as you, click on Tools in the main menu-bar and select "Maintain Identity." This will open a screen with two sections: (1) "Identities you can assume"; and (2) "Members Allowed to assume your Identity" Maintain ID main screen (click on image to enlarge).

To sign in as someone else in your office or brokerage who has granted you this permission, select their name in the "Identities you can assume" section 1 (at the top) and click the "Switch to Identity" button. Do not check the Default box beside another person's name unless you always want CTI Navigator II to sign you in using that identity instead of your own identity.

To add someone you want to allow to sign into Navigator using your identity, click the "Add" button just below "Members Allowed to assume your identity" in section 2.

This will open a "Select Member" screen displaying the names of MLS members in your office or brokerage. Select the appropriate name in the list, and click the Add button at the top (just below "Select Member").  While signed in as you, they will have only the privilege level assigned to their own identity.

To also grant all of your privileges in CTI Navigator to another MLS member in your office, select their name on the "Select Member" screen and check the "Privileges" box beside their name in the Privileges column. To enable or disable using your privileges after allowing someone to assume your identity, check or un-check the box beside their name in the Privileges column in the "Members allowed to assume your identity" section. To retract allowing someone to use your identity, select their name in "Members allowed to assume your identity" section and click the Delete button.

To return to your own identity or to quickly switch to another ID you have already used, open the Home Page and click the "x" beside your current Identity. Then click the down arrowhead beside the Identity box, and left-click on your own name or other identity.

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See below for detailed instructions on using Maintain Identity.

Maintain Identity Privileges

The Maintain Identities function in CTI Navigator II allows you to share your sign-in identity with any other MLS member in your office (including staff or personal assistants). Both you and the person you allow to share your identity can be signed in and using CTI Navigator at the same time.

There are two levels of sharing. (1) Identity: You can designate who can assume your identity to access all your MLS information and perform any actions on your behalf that do not require elevated privileges in CTI Navigator. In most cases, this includes access to change your password, view your client information and listing expiration dates, send email, create CMA's, create saved searches, and setup auto-notifications for clients. (2) Privileges: You also have the option to allow someone sharing your identity to also assume all of your MLS privileges. This means that if you have "elevated" privileges, such as to add or revise your listings or those of other agents in the office, so will the person assuming your identity. Unless you specifically assign your level of privilege to those you allow to use your identity, they will have only the level of privilege assigned to their own identity when they sign in as you.

Privileges Caution: If you allow someone else to assume your privileges (in addition to your identity), they will be able to do anything you can do in Navigator. If you have office management privilege (to change any agent's listing in the office), so will anyone to whom you grant your privileges. To setup an assistant to be able to add or revise only your personal listings even though you have office management privilege, direct the MLS office to assign "broker load" privilege to your assistant's MLS account. Then allow your assistant to assume your identity but do not grant them your privileges.

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Allow Another MLS Member to Assume Your Identity

To allow an MLS member in your office or brokerage to use your Navigator sign-in identity:

  1. Click Tools in the main menu-bar
  2. Select "Maintain Identity
  3. Under "Members Allowed to assume your identity" click the Add button
  4. On the "Select Member" screen,
  5. Click the Add button just below Select Member to save your selection; or click the Cancel button to close the Select Member screen without saving your selection.

The person you selected will appear in the "Members allowed to assume your identity" pane on your screen. (See "Example Assistant" in the image below.)

In addition, your name will appear on their Identity selection button on their Home page (see section below) and also in the "Identities you can assume" on their Maintain Identities screen when it is opened.

If you checked to allow that person to assume your privileges, the box beside their name in the Privileges column in the "Members allowed to assume your identity" pane will  be checked on your screen. You can toggle granting your privileges to others off or on by un-checking or checking this box in the Privileges column beside the name of anyone in this list.

Un-checking privileges does not prevent the person from signing in using your identity. To remove another MLS member from being able to sign-in with your identity, select their name in the "Members allowed to assume your identity" pane, and click the delete button at the top.  

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Assume Another MLS Member's Identity

To quickly switch your identity in Navigator II to someone in your office/brokerage who has granted you permission to assume their identity, first clear your current Identity by clicking the x in the Identity box on the Home Page. Then click the down arrowhead button beside the Identity box (see image above) and left-click on the appropriate alternate identity.

You also can:

  1. Click Tools in the main menu-bar
  2. Select "Maintain Identities"
  3. Select the desired Identity under "Identities you can assume" on the right pane by clicking on the name (double-click to immediately switch to that identity).
  4. Click on the "Switch To Identity" button immediately below "Identities you can assume" at the top of the screen.
  5. The Maintain Identities screen will close and Navigator II will then automatically sign you back in using the identity you selected.

To return to your own identity, follow either approach above, but select your own identity rather than an alternate identity.

Using Another Member's Identity

Allowing other MLS members to assume your Identity allows designated personal assistants, staff, or colleagues to help you maintain your listings and client information and to act on your behalf in Navigator. Navigator records the user name for whoever performs actions saved on the MLS server (such as adding or modifying listings), regardless of what identity is assumed.

Allowing other MLS members to assume your identity is not a substitute for anyone being assigned their own identity and privilege level by the local MLS office. You may not assign your Identity to any non-MLS member or to an MLS member who belongs to a different brokerage than your own.

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