This tutorial provides a General Description of how to create or modify a Comparative Market Analysis in CTI Navigator Web II. This is commonly referred to as a CMA.
You can click on any topic in this table to go directly to that section of this tutorial.
Overview |
New CMA |
General tab |
Subject Property tab |
Comparables tab |
Pricing tab |
Printing tab |
CMA Manager |
PDF Converters |
Index of Tutorials |
Touchscreen Note. Where instructions are to select or click, touchscreen device users would touch, press or tap as appropriate for your device.
To open a new or existing CMA, select CMA in the top menu-bar of CTI Navigator.
Then either
The basic steps for creating a new CMA package are:
Select "New Comparative Market Analysis" in the top menu-bar of CTI Navigator to open a CMA screen displaying 5 tabs:
On the General Tab you can:
CMA Type note: The "CMA Type" sets the template used for property information (both Subject Property and Comparable Properties) in the CMA. Once the CMA is saved, its CMA Type cannot be changed.
The CMA toolbar just below CTI Navigator's menu bar at the top of the screen displays three buttons:
These buttons are available on most of the CMA screens. Click the Save button to save all information entered so far. Click the Reports button create or customize a CMA Report layout.. Click the CMA Manager button to close the current CMA and open the list of your saved CMAs.
To start a new CMA, first confirm or modify the CMA Type and Purge Date, and enter a Name for the CMA on the General tab screen.
Select the CMA Subject
Property tab so you can enter or edit information about the Subject
property. The Subject Property is the property for which you are trying to determine a fair
market price.
To enter information about the Subject property, you can either
After entering the information for the Subject property, determine which of its features will have the most influence on its price. These are its Key Features. Normally these key features are the basis for selecting comparable properties to include in the CMA.
Save note: It is advisable to click the Save button in the CMA Toolbar each time you complete entering information on one of the CMA screens. The CMA must be saved before a report or report link can be emailed.
Select the CMA Comparables Tab to enter
new, or edit existing, information about properties that have Key Features
very similar to those of the subject property.
For general guidelines on selecting comparable properties, see the "Select CMA Comparables" web page on CTI’s Help and Tutorials website (at
If needed, adjust the price of any property that differs in a key feature from the subject property. To make an adjustment, click the Edit button beside the property in the list of comparables. This will open the "CMA - Add/Revise Comparable" screen displaying the current information for the selected Comparable and the Subject Property. Click the Adjustments button on this screen to enter appropriate price adjustments to the selected Comparable. For example,
On the "CMA- Adjustments" screen you can:
Click the Add button to add a new adjustment for just this comparable property. -- or--
Click the Library button to open a list of existing adjustments that you previously saved, from which you can select an adjustment to apply to the current comparable. -- or--
Select a listed adjustment and click the Delete button to remove the adjustment from the current comparable.
Click the <Back button to return to the "CMA - Add/Revise Comparable" screen.
On the "CMA - Add/Revise Comparable" screen, click the Ok button to temporarily save adjustments until you save the CMA itself.
For further information on how to adjust the values, map location or photo for Comparable Properties, see the "Edit Comparable Properties in CMA" tutorial (when available).
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Select the CMA Pricing Tab to see
summary pricing statistics for the comparable properties, and to replace an
automatically calculated Suggested List Price with
YOUR "Suggested List Price" for the
subject property.
CTI Navigator automatically computes the "Adjusted Average Price for Solds", the "Adjusted Price Weighted by List to Sale Percent", and the "Percentage of Sale Price to List Price".
Depending on market conditions, either the "Adjusted Avg Price for Solds", or the "Adjusted Price Weighted by List to Sale %" will be displayed initially as the "Suggested List Price". This initial List Price calculation is intended to be used as a baseline for determining Your suggested list price. Listing agent should modify this initial value as appropriate for this client and the current market conditions.
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To add, remove, or reorder reports, click and drag to the appropriate location. Only the items in the "Selected Reports" column will print.
Click the Preview button in the CMA toolbar (above the CMA tabs) to open the CMA report in a new tab in your browser.
Click the Print button in the CMA toolbar to print the CMA report using your browser's printer controls. Use "Print to PDF" or "Save as PDF" in the browser's print dialog screen to save the report as a CMA file.
Click the Email button in the CMA toolbar to email a link to the CMA report. Only saved changes can be viewed from an email link.
Click the Options button in the CMA toolbar to
Select the Reports button on the CMA toolbar to create or customize a CMA Report layout.
Reports that you create, or customize and save, will be added automatically to your list of "Available Reports" under the Printing tab.
Once you have customized your available reports, you probably will not need to use this Reports button again very often.
Click the Save button in the CMA toolbar to save the entire CMA package of properties and reports. Otherwise, new CMA information will not be saved when you change screens to a different CMA or different function.
To see a list of CMAs that you have
already created in CTI Navigator, select CMA in Navigator's menu bar, and then click on
CMA Manager. For example:
To sort by a CMA data field (such as by Client
Name, Subject Property address, or Last Modified date), left-click on the
appropriate column heading. Sorted columns display an Up or Down pointing
triangle (as
in the Client column in the image above) to indicate the direction in which the
data are sorted. To reverse the sort, click on the heading again. To remove
the sort click on the heading again.
To filter the list of CMAs to display only
particular CMAs, left-click on the filter icon
in the appropriate column heading and enter the desired values (such as Equal
to, Not Equal to, Starts With, Contains, et cetera). Only CMA's that match the
values you enter will then display. To modify or remove a filter, left-click on
the appropriate filter icon and click the Clear button.
To Add a new client for whom you can assign a CMA, click the "Add Client" button, enter at least a name and email address for your client, and click Save. Then, to associate the client with a CMA, click on the CMA Name in the CMA Manager table to open that CMA. Under the General tab of the CMA, select the Client in the drop-down list of Clients. Click the Save button in the CMA toolbar to save the Client-CMA association. Click the CMA Manager button in the CMA toolbar to return to the CMA Manager screen.
On the CMA Manager screen, you can check the box beside a CMA in the table (do not check more than one CMA), click the Actions button in the CMA Manager toolbar, and select:
This concludes the Overview tutorial for creating CMA Reports in CTI Navigator Web II.
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