Tech Tips - "How To" Email Information

Tech Tips are short "how to" instructions for performing specific or advanced tasks in CTI Navigator Web. The Tech Tips on this web page apply to using email.  For more details  see the appropriate tutorials: Click here for Navigator Web II tutorialsclick here for Navigator Silverlight tutorials

Note: Items in the menu are arranged alphabetically by first word. To quickly find a word or phrase anywhere in this list, simultaneously press the Ctrl and F keys in Windows, or Command-F keys in Apple, enter a few letters of text, and click the "Find Next" button. Click on any underlined item in a topic to view that topic.

Index of Email Tips 

Other Tech Tip and Related Topics (links to other web pages)

Detailed Instructions and Videos for Navigator Silverlight

Click Help in the frame menu of CTI Navigator Silverlight, and then select Tutorials to see a description and list of videos on how to use the main features in CTI Navigator Silverlight. You can watch a video and/or view or print its transcript. Each tutorial video has a dynamic table of contents. You can click on any topic in the table to go directly to information in the video on that particular topic. Because the videos run in a separate browser window, you can pause the video, switch to CTI Navigator Silverlight, and try for yourself what was just demonstrated in the video. These tutorial videos are also accessible from CTI's Help and Tutorials website

Add Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) Address to Email Message in Navigator Silverlight

Use a "Blind Carbon Copy" (Bcc) address to conceal email addresses from other recipients of an email message.

To add a hidden (Bcc) address to an email message in Navigator Silverlight:

  1. Open a New Email Message screen (such as from the Home Page, a Search Results, a Listing Details, or a CMA report).
  2. If a recipient's email address is NOT in your Navigator Address Book, click in the box beside the "CC:" button and enter their email address(es). Separate multiple addresses with a semi-colon (such as  address1;address2).
  3. If the recipient's address is already in your Navigator Address Book, or after you have typed their address into the CC address box, click on the CC: button  (CC ).
  4. In the Address Book -
    • If you typed the address in the CC: box on the New Message screen, click and hold the cursor on this address in the < CC box on the left side of the Address Book screen, and drag and drop the address in the box beside the < Bcc button.
    • Select any other recipients (under Clients, Agents, Offices, or Affiliates tab) and drag and drop them into the appropriate Bcc, Cc or To  box on the left;  or click  the appropriate  < To, < Cc, or < Bcc  button as you make a selection. (For a demonstration, see the "Using the Address Book and Addressing Email" tutorial video.)
  5. Click on the OK button at the bottom of the Address Book. The blind copy address will now appear in the Bcc box (instead of in the Cc box) on Navigator's New Message screen.
    • Neither the Bcc box nor any of its contents will appear on any recipient's email screen.
  6. Enter an email address in the "To" box - either by typing the address into the box, or by clicking on the To: button and selecting an address from the Address book. 
    • The email cannot be sent without a valid email address in the "To:" box.
    • The address in the "To:" box will display on all recipient's email screen, including those blind copied.
    • It is standard practice for the sender to enter their own address in the "To" box  when the only other recipients are blind copied.
    • If you do not want your email address to display in the "To" field, you can use a "Special Client named Undisclosed Recipient" as described below.

Address Email to Entire MLS Membership from Navigator Silverlight

To address an email Message or MLS Report to all members of the MLS (where permitted by your local MLS policy - see "Spam Alert" below) from CTI Navigator Silverlight:
  1. Open the "Address Book".
    • On the Home Page either:
      • select Address Book, or
      • click on New Message, and then click on an address button (To or CC).
    •  On a Search Results or Details page, click the E-mail button, select a report, click the Continue button, then click an Address button (To or CC). 
  2. Click on the Agents tab (on the right side of the Address Book). See Selection note below to send email to all your Clients.
  3. Click the "Show All" button (on the row below the tabs on the right)
  4. Click the "E-mail" column heading (on the far right). This will sort the names that have an email address together, and separately from those without an email address.
  5. Scroll down past all the names with blank email addressees, and then single left-click on the first listed name with an email address. This will highlight it.
  6. Scroll down to the last name with an email address in the list,  hold down the Shift key and single left-click on it. This will highlight all names and email addresses between your first and second click.
  7. Click on the E-mail tab on the left side of the Address Book
  8. Click the "< To", "< Cc", or "< Bcc" button as appropriate between the left and right sides of the Address Book. This will copy the name and email address for all selected names to the address field on the left. (See the Bcc note to send as blind copies.)
  9. Open a "New Message" screen.
    • If you opened the Address Book from the Home Page, click the "Compose Message" button on the left. This will open a New Message screen with the selected names and email addresses automatically added to the selected address field. 
    • If you opened the Address Book from a "New Message" screen, click the OK button at the bottom right of the screen to return to the New Message screen. The selected names and email addresses will be automatically added to the selected address field.
Selection note: To address email to all or a selection of your clients saved in CTI Navigator Web (such as a notice of your change of office or contact information), click the Clients tab (instead of the Agents tab).

Bcc note: When appropriate, y
ou can enter addresses in the Bcc ("blind-carbon-copy") email address field to protect them from being displayed in any recipient's email. Then enter your own email address in the "To" field so that your email address will display in recipients' email. (Email messages should be addressed "To" someone. If all address fields are blank, anti-spam filters are likely to block delivery of the message.)

Group Email: If you frequently send messages to a large group of individuals whose addresses you have saved in your personal email program (such as in Gmail or Office Outlook), create a contact with the group name and assign the appropriate individuals to this group in that program. Then you can email messages (and MLS reports) from Navigator Web to yourself, attach any custom documents not in the MLS (such as flyers), and forward your message from that program addressed to the Group (without needing to enter individual addresses). Forwarded email can be easily edited so it does not show as forwarded. See Help in your particular email program for how to create and manage groups in your contacts.

Spam and Junk Mail Alert. Many MLS boards discourage or do not permit unapproved mass mailings to the entire membership because such unsolicited email is considered Junk Mail or SPAM. In addition, many MLS members do not want their email address in the MLS used for any type of mass mailings. Please check directly with your local MLS association for their policy regarding mass mailings from individuals to all MLS members. See how to comply with federal regulations for commercial email at CAN-SPAM Act Compliance Guide (by the FTC).

Export Agent or Office Email Addresses

Where permitted by MLS policy (see "Spam and Junk Mail Alert"  and "Export Limit" notes), you can export MLS member mail addresses from CTI Navigator Desktop into your default email program in Windows. This will allow you to send non-MLS hosted documents (such as flyers or extra photos) to the MLS membership.  If you do not already have the Desktop version of Navigator installed, click here to download and install the program version appropriate for your MLS. (You do not need to install data; just install the program.)   

To export the email address for all Agent members of the MLS into your default email program in Windows:

  1. Log into CTI Navigator Desktop
  2. Select Roster in the top of the Main Menu
  3. Select Agent/Office in the drop-down menu
  4. Select the Agents tab
  5. Click the All button beside Office
  6. Click the All button at the bottom beside Selected Items
  7. Click the E-mail icon at the top of the screen
  8. Click Yes at the prompt to proceed without agents missing an email address in the MLS Roster.

Export Limit: To prevent abuse, some MLS's limit the number of items that can be exported outside the MLS system.

To export the email address for all Offices in the MLS into your default email program in Windows:

  1. Log into CTI Navigator Desktop
  2. Select Roster in the top of the Main Menu
  3. Select Agent/Office in the drop-down men
  4. Select the Offices  tab
  5. Click the All button at the bottom beside Selected Items
  6. Click the E-mail icon at the top of the screen
  7. Click Yes at the prompt if prompted to proceed without offices missing an email address in the MLS Roster.

Attach Custom Document, or Document Not in MLS, to Listing Report Email

To attach custom documents, or documents not in the MLS, to MLS reports emailed from CTI Navigator:

  1. Email the MLS report(s) from CTI Navigator (Web or Desktop) to yourself
  2. Open this message in your preferred email program
  3. Select to forward the message
  4. Delete the original message address information (From/To/Sent/Subject) in the body of the message
  5. Attach any desired documents (such as flyer, non-MLS document, or custom report)
  6. Enter the recipient address
  7. Send the combined MLS and non-MLS information from your preferred personal email program.
To include a link to a document (such as a flyer), or additional photos, that are not in the MLS in email from CTI Navigator Web, see the "Email Documents (such a Flyer) or Photos Not in the MLS" tech tip below. To send to all MLS member where permitted, also see "Export Email Addresses from Roster in Navigator Desktop".

Back to Index of Email Tips

Create an Email Message

You can create a New email message by clicking "New Message" or "Address Book" on the Home Page of CTI Navigator Web. To start a new message from the Address Book screen, click the Email tab on the left pane. To include an MLS report with your email, click on the email button on a Search Results or Listing Details page. 

Regardless of how you get to a New Message screen, you can address and type your message, insert a Merge Field, apply special formatting, or you can insert a pre-written message from your Templates. Your custom signature will be included automatically. 

Your messages will be emailed out through either CTI's national email provider, or, if you have entered your Gmail settings under the Clients button on the frame menu, through your Gmail account. If desired, you can set your Gmail account to send email through Gmail's servers "on behalf of" another email address that you own.

Retrieve a Copy of Your Sent Email

To be able to track your individual email sent from CTI Navigator Web, you have two options. In either case, you must make your choice before sending an email message. Individual messages are not archived in the MLS in a format accessible by users.
  1. Copy yourself on all email messages and auto-notifications. Just check “Send me a copy” on messages, and check “Notify Agent” on Saved Searches with Auto-notification. You will then have a copy automatically sent to the email account you have in your agent record in the MLS (as long as that account is set to save sent messages). 
  2. You can set CTI Navigator Web (which includes CTI Navigator Mobile) to use your personal Gmail account for all outgoing email (which includes both individual messages and auto-notifications). If you set Navigator Web to send through Gmail, you should have a copy of your MLS originated messages in the “Sent Items” in your Gmail account. The Gmail service is free, widely used and offers many options. You can even use a Gmail account as a gateway to a send messages as if from a different email provider and account (see "Use Your Gmail Account to Send From an Alternate Email Address" below). 

Create an Email Template

To create a new template message in CTI Navigator Web:

  1. Open New Message on the Home Page
  2. Click the Template Manager button on the New Message screen
  3. Click the "New" button at the bottom of the Template Manager screen
  4. Enter a Template Name and Subject at the top of the screen.
  5. Click in the message box and enter information by typing and/or using the email options (Edit and Paste, Font, Paragraph, Insert, Tool and Tables) in the toolbar above the message. See the Edit Custom Email Template tech tip for more information about using email options. 
  6. Click the "Save" button to keep the message and add it to your list of Templates in CTI Navigator Web.

Copy and Customize an Email Template

System standard email templates cannot be modified, but they can be copied and the copy can be customized.

To copy and customize the copy of an existing Template message:

  1. Open New Message on the Home Page
  2. Click the Template Manager button on the New Message screen
  3. Select any template in the list on the left
  4. Click the Copy button at the bottom of the Template Manager screen
  5. Edit the Template Name and Subject at the top of the screen
  6. Click at the desired position in the message box and enter changes by typing and/or using the email options (Edit and Paste, Font, Paragraph, Insert, Tool and Tables) in the toolbar above the message. See the Edit Custom Email Template tech tip for more information about using email options.  
  7. Click "Save" to  keep the customized message and add it to your list of Templates in CTI Navigator Web.

Edit a Custom Email Template

To edit a custom email template in CTI Navigator Web:

  1. Open New Message on the Home Page
  2. Click the Template Manager button on the New Message screen
  3. Select your customize template in the list on the left
  4. Edit the Template Name and Subject at the top of the screen if desired
  5. Click at the desired position in the message box and enter changes (by typing, pasting with the Paste icon, and/or using the "Insert Merge Field" button)
    • Always replace or delete yellow highlighted words between <horizontal chevron symbols>
    • Do not modify "Merge Field" information in square [brackets] unless you do not want Navigator to automatically insert the referenced information from its database
  6. Use the icons in the toolbar above the message to Edit (paste, cut, copy, undo/redo, or copy style), change Font, format Paragraphs, Insert or change (photos, links, or symbols), and use the Spelling or Find-and-Replace Tools.
  7. To create and/or format a Table, click the Tables tab above the toolbar.
  8. Click the "Save" button to keep your changes; or click Cancel to discard any changes.

Edit Your Email Signature

Your signature is a customizable email template in CTI Navigator Web. To edit your default signature:

  1. Open a New Message on the Home Page
  2. Click the Template Manager button on the New Message screen
  3. Click the "Edit Signature" button in the lower left of the Template Manager screen
  4. Click at the desired position in the message box and enter changes by typing and/or using the email options (Edit and Paste, Font, Paragraph, Insert, Tool and Tables) in the toolbar above the message. See the Edit Custom Email Template tech tip.
  5. Click "Save" to keep changes; or click Cancel to discard any changes.

See the tutorial "Email and Email Templates" for information on editing templates and using merge fields.

For multiple signatures, see the "Create Special Purpose Signature" Email Tip below.

For information on adding your photo into your signature, see the  “Insert Agent Photo in Email Signature” Email Tip below.  

Back to Index of Email Tips

Create Special Purpose Signature

There can be only one default signature for your email from CTI Navigator Web. However, you can create multiple signature templates and use them instead of your default signature when appropriate.

To create a new special purpose signature template:

  1. Open a New Message in CTI Navigator Web
  2. Click the Template Manager button on the New Message screen
  3. Click the "New" button to create a totally new signature template; or select an existing template (on the left) and click the "Copy" button.
  4. Edit the Template Name and Subject at the top
  5. Periodically click the "Save" button to save what you have created so far 
  6. Click in the text box where you want to insert information, and then type or paste the information to insert
  7. If appropriate, click the "Insert Merge Field" button and select a field name from the drop-down list:
    • Select "Listing Link" to insert the "Click here to view properties" hyperlink if your email includes selected search listings results. If your message does not include listings, this field will not display when the message is sent (the line where the link otherwise displays will be blank)
    • Select "My E-mail Signature" to insert your existing default signature information and/or merge fields
    • Note that Merge Fields do not display their content until the message is sent.
  8. To include information hosted outside the MLS database (see cloud note below), click "Insert" and select "Insert Hyperlink" or "Insert Picture Link" as appropriate
  9. To change format, highlight the text and click the appropriate Font format function (such as bold, italic, underline, highlight in color, et cetera)
  10. Click the "Done" button to save your special signature template and close the Template Manager.

See also the "Use Special Signature or other Template" email tip (below).

Cloud Note: For instructions on how to link to document and image files stored in "the Cloud" (such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive or OneDrive on the Internet), see "Link to Files Stored in the Cloud" in the General Tech Tips

Use a Special Signature or Other Template

CTI Navigator Web email includes many standard pre-written message templates that can be used for individual messages or customized and saved for future re-use, as well as the ability to create and save entirely new message templates. MLS officers, partners, team members, or staff members can create and use one or more special signature templates as appropriate to their function.

To use a special signature or other template:

  1. Open either a New Message, or an Email Report screen in CTI Navigator Web
  2. Click the Templates button and select the desired template in the drop down list
    • Note that the template you open will replace any other template in the message (including the default signature template)
  3. Add or revise information in your message as appropriate
  4. Address the message ("To: ") and edit its Subject
  5. Check "Send me a copy" if desired and then click the Send button.

See the tutorial "Email and Email Templates" for information on and demonstration of editing templates and using merge fields.

▲ Back to Index of Email Tips

Email Listing Documents Through CTI Navigator Web 

To include a link in an email message from CTI Navigator Web to one or more document(s) attached to a listing in the MLS (such as a plat map, covenants or disclosure), first open the desired document(s) to display the URL address to where the document can be accessed. Then copy the document's URL address and insert it as a hyperlink in your email message from CTI Navigator (or send from Adobe Reader as described below). Here's how to send from CTI Navigator Web: 

  1. Open a Listing Details screen.
  2. Click the Documents button (on the left).
  3. Click on a document name to display it in a separate browser window. Leave this window open.
  4. Click the CTI Web Navigator tab to return to the Listing Details screen.
  5. If another document is desired, click on its name and leave it open in another browser window. Open as many documents as available and desired.
  6. Open a New Message screen.
    • To send just document link(s) in your message, click Home in the frame menu and select New Message on the Home Page.
    • To send document(s) along with one or more Listing Reports for the selected property:
      • click the Email button at the bottom of the Listing Details screen
      • verify that the correct property is selected
      • select the desired Report(s) 
      • click the Continue button
  7. Click on the browser tab for a document that you opened in the previous steps
  8. Click in the Internet address box for the displayed document and copy the address to the clipboard
    • Windows Copy shortcut: simultaneously press Ctrl/A to select all of the address, then Ctrl/C to copy it to the clipboard
    • Macintosh Copy shortcut: simultaneously press Command/A to select all of the address, then Command//C to copy it to the clipboard
  9. Click the CTI Web Navigator tab to return to the New Message screen
  10. Click on a place in the body of the email message where you want to insert the hyperlink to the listing document (see zoom note below)
  11. Click "Insert Hyperlink" (paper clip icon) in the New Message toolbar
  12. On the Insert Hyperlink screen, click in the Text box and type the name of the document link (such as "Click here to view Property Plat Map")
  13. Click in the URL box and paste the Internet address to the document (use Windows keyboard command Ctrl/V or Macintosh Command/V)
  14. Click the OK button
  15. Repeat steps 7 through 14 to insert multiple document links.

Zoom Note: Observe where the cursor is pointing (blinking) when you click with your mouse. If your Internet browser is set to a zoom factor other than 100% (the normal default), clicking your mouse may not set the curser in the expected position. If this happens, you can use the four up/down-left/right arrow keys (Positioning Arrow Key s on keyboard) on your keyboard to position the cursor to the correct insertion point.

Email Listing Documents Through Adobe Reader

As an alternative to emailing documents out of CTI Navigator Web, you also can send Listing Documents as links or attachments out of your browser's Adobe Reader through your designated email program as follows. 

  1. Open a Listing Details screen in CTI Navigator Web.
  2. Click the Documents button (on the left).
  3. Click on a document name to display it in the browser's PDF Viewer window (usually the free Adobe Reader in Windows).
  4. While viewing the document in Adobe Reader, click on Adobe's Send icon Adobe Email envelope button in the File Tools (if Adobe's File Tools are hidden, press F8 in Windows browser)
  5. Select "Attach to Email"
  6. Select how you would like to email this document:
    • "Send a link (URL) to the PDF file on the Web; or
    • "Send a copy of the entire PDF file as an attachment"
  7. Click either "Send Link" or "Send Copy" button
  8. Select "Send Using" either
    • The Default email application on you computer;  or
    • Your Webmail
    • Check "Remember my choice" (if desired)
  9. If sending through your Default email app,
    • Click the Continue button.
    • A new message will be created with a PDF file attached or code for a link to the PDF file.
  10. If sending through your personal Webmail,
    • Select your webmail provider (Gmail, Yahoo, or Other);
    • Enter your webmail account information on the next screen;
    • Click OK or Add as appropriate, and then click the Continue button.
    • A copy of or link to the PDF (Listing Document) file will be created in the drafts folder of the designated account.

▲ Back to Index of Email Tips

Email Listing History Report

To email a Listing History Report:

  1. Select History Report on the Details window  
  2. Select the Print button below 
  3. Select "View PDF",  and select Open 
  4. Use the email envelop button (Adobe Email envelope button) in the Acrobat view screen to send as a link or as an attachment file using your default desktop email app, or your webmail account.  

Note: Although interactive Listing Maps cannot be embedded in email from CTI Navigator Web, you can capture and email a map image through your preferred web mail or Windows email program as described in the "Email Listing Map" tech tip below

Email Listing Map 

CTI Navigator Web email supports links to image files, but does not presently support attachments or pasting image files directly into email messages. However, there are several other ways you can email CTI Navigator Web map images.   

Windows Snipping. To email a map, or an image of a screen displaying both a map and listing information, first use the Windows "Snipping Tool" (included in Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10) to copy the screen image. (See the note below for Snipping in Windows XP.) You then can use the Snipping Tool to annotate the screen image and either email the image (by clicking File and selecting "Send To") using your Windows default email program; or save the screenshot as an image file (PNG, GIF, or JPG) and then attach that image file to a message you send through your preferred web mail or Windows email program. 

Windows Clipboard. You also can click on an on-screen map, hold down the Alt key and press the Print Screen (PrtScn) key to place an image of the map screen into the Windows clipboard. Then you can paste that image into a message you send through your preferred web mail or Windows email program.   

Mac Screen Capture. Use either the Command-Shift-4 keyboard command, or the Preview app,  to take a screenshot (such as of a map) that can be attached to a message you send through your preferred email program. For more information on capturing screen images on a Mac, see "Capture Screen Shot on Mac OS X" in Navigator's General Usage Tech tips.  

Vista Snipping Note: If the Windows "Snipping Tool" is not searchable and not listed in System Accessories, you may need to enable it as follows:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features
  2. On the left pane, click "Turn Windows Features On or Off"
  3. Check "Tablet PC Optional Components" and click OK. 

XP Snipping Note: Windows XP users must download a third-party screen-capture or snipping tool. (For example, see the freeware "Windows XP Snipping Tool" at or "CaptureIt Plus" at .)

Back to Index of Email Tips

Email Listing Report as PDF

Listing Reports are formatted for printing rather than for email. Email Reports on the other hand are specifically formatted and coded for processing by email. To email a listing formatted report, it needs to be converted into a PDF format. 

To email Listing Reports as PDF files from Navigator Web, either select "Print Reports" on the Search Results screen or select the Print button on the Property Details screen. On the pop-up Print window, select the appropriate Options and Report, and click Continue. Then click either:

Email Tax Report as PDF

Tax Reports (where available) are formatted for printing rather than for email. To email a Tax Report from the MLS, convert it to a PDF format and send as follows:

  1. Search Tax rolls, or click the Tax Report button on a Search Results details screen
  2. Click the Print button at the bottom of the screen
  3. On the left side of the Print dialog screen
    • Select the desired Property or Properties under Selection Options
    • Select the desired Report Options
  4. On the right side of the Print dialog screen
    • Verify or select "Tax" instead of "Listing" beside Select Report(s)
    • Check the desired Report or Reports (Full, One-Line, etc.)
  5. Click the View PDF button at the bottom of the screen (or see Save PDF note below)
  6. In your PDF Viewer click File, then select Send, and select either
    • "Page by Email" to send as an attached file named CTIPrint.pdf; or select
    • "Link by Email" to send a text link. You may need to add at least one space after the link to activate it in you email program.

Save PDF Note. Click "Save PDF" (instead of "Print PDF") if you prefer to save the report with a file name you assign, and then attach that file to a message sent through your personal email program.

Email Documents (such a Flyer) or Photos Not in the MLS

To include a document (such as a Flyer) or additional photos that are not in the MLS in your email from Navigator Web:

  1. Create or upload your non-MLS document or photo(s) into an Internet Cloud Storage service (such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive), Amazon Cloud Drive, DropBox, et cetera).
  2. At the Cloud Storage website, set the appropriate file to be shared by anyone with the link.
  3. Copy the link for the shared document.
  4. In a Navigator Web new email message, click on the place in the body of the message where you want to insert the link to the non-MLS document (see zoom note).
  5. Click "Insert Hyperlink" (paper clip icon) in the New Message toolbar.
  6. On the Insert Hyperlink screen, click in the Text box and type the name of the document link (such as "Flyer" or "Open House").
  7. Click in the URL box and paste the Internet address to the document (use Windows keyboard command Ctrl/V or Macintosh Command/V).
  8. Click the OK button.

To email your message with linked documents to all MLS members, see "Address Email to Entire MLS Membership (where permitted)" above .An alternate approach is to export member addresses from the Roster in CTI Navigator Desktop (see "Export Email Addresses from Roster in Navigator Desktop"). Then attach your non-MLS hosted document and send your email message to those members through your personal email program.

Email Print Reports (such as photos only or with agent header) 

To email any MLS Print report from CTI Navigator Web (such as Photos only or Buyer Handout with Agent Contact information in the Heading):

  1. Select either "Print Reports" on the Search Results screen, or select the Print button on the Property Details screen (not the Email button)
  2. Check the desired Options for Property and, if appropriate, Option(s) for Reports
  3. Select the appropriate Print Report(s) (such as " Photos 4 Column", or Buyer Handout)
  4. Click the "View PDF" button
  5. In your browser's PDF view screen:
    1. Click File in the menu bar (at the top)
    2. Select Send (see Adobe note below) 
    3. Select "Page by Email..." (not "Link by email...")   
  6. In your browser's default email program:
    1. Enter the Recipient Address
    2. If desired, modify or replace the Subject line (the default is "Emailing: CTIPrint.pdf")
    3. The attached report file name will be "CTIPrint.pdf"
    4. Enter a personal message
    5. Click Send

Report Heading Note: Reports formatted for printing include a heading with agent name, office name, and primary phone number, and a footer with disclaimer and time and date created. Unlike reports specifically formatted for email, print reports are static (information does not change) and there is no link for additional photos beyond those displayed in the report. 

Adobe Note: You also can use the Adobe Reader's email/share tool (Adobe Email envelope button) if you have a problem sending from the browser's menu bar. If you do use Adobe's tool, the attached file will be named "CTIPrint.aspx.pdf."

Back to Index of Email Tips

Find Agent Roster Information

The Agent Roster is included in the Address Book on the Home Page of CTI Navigator Web. All entries in the Address Book (Agents, Offices, and Clients) are searchable by partial name or email address. For more details and a tutorial video, select "Using the Address Book and Addressing Email" in Tutorials under Help inside CTI Navigator Web. To export member email addresses where permitted, see "Export Email Addresses from Roster in Navigator Desktop".

Import Client Contacts

To manually import email contacts into CTI Navigator Web:

  1. In the frame menu, select Clients > Import E-mail Contacts
  2. Beside "Open CSV File", click the "Open File" button
  3. Browse to the location of the CSV file and select it
  4. Click the Open button.

Insert Agent Photo in Your Navigator Email Signature

MLS members can upload their Agent Photo into the MLS server through CTI Navigator Web. To do so, click on Agent Web in the frame menu, select Images, and click the Upload button (on the left side of the screen). (For details and demo, see the tutorial video "Customize Your Agent Website" under Help in the frame menu.) Your photo is then available for use in multiple functions in CTI Navigator Web - such as the Email Address Book, your MLS-sponsored agent website, your CMA Reports, and your email signature. 

The template for the URL link to agent photos that have been uploaded to the MLS server is http://{MLS}{MLS}/photos/agent/{AgentID}/agent.jpg . Replace {MLS} with the 3-letter code for your MLS and replace {AgentID} with your 6-letter agent code in this address (do not leave the brace symbols { }) where indicated in this template to link to  your personal agent photo. (Your Agent ID code is displayed in Navigator's Address Book and Roster.) You can type or paste this URL in your browser's address box, substituting the correct MLS and agent code, to test that the link displays your photo. Once the link correctly shows your photo in the browser, you can highlight its URL address and copy the URL into your computer's clipboard (use Ctrl+C in Windows, or Command+C in Macintosh). 

After you have customized the agent photo URL address, you can enter this URL (or the URL to your photo hosted at another website if applicable) to display your photo in your signature in email messages from CTI Navigator Web. To insert your photo in your MLS signature, open Navigator Web's Home Page > select New Message > Template Manager > Edit Signature button > click where you want the photo to display > click "Insert Picture" icon in the Insert section of the email toolbar > enter (or use Ctrl+V in Windows or Command+V in Macintosh to paste) the URL address to your agent photo > (if using the template described above, ensure that you have entirely replaced {MLS} with the 3-letter code for your MLS and entirely replaced {AgentID} with your 6-letter agent code in this address) > click OK. 

To resize the image without distortion (retaining its original height-to-width ratio), click on the image > click and hold on any corner of the image frame (the cursor will become an oblique angle two-headed arrow) > then drag the frame inward to reduce image size or outward to enlarge the image. 

To re-position the image, click and hold on the image (not on its frame) and drag to a new position. 

To correct mistakes, use the Undo or Redo icons in the Edit section of the email toolbar.  

Security Note: Some recipient's email security filters may block display of linked images unless explicitly set to allow. 

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Insert Company Logo in Your Navigator Email Signature

Once someone with management authority for your office has uploaded the company logo into CTI Navigator Web, it will be displayed automatically in the Email Address Book, in your MLS-sponsored agent website, and in your CMA Reports. It also can be inserted to display in your email signature. 

The URL link to company logos uploaded to the MLS server is  http://{MLS}{MLS}/Photos/Office/{OfficeID}/Office.jpg . Substitute the 3-letter code for your {MLS} and the MLS code for your {OfficeID} where indicated in this template (do not leave the brace symbols { }) to display your company logo. (The office ID code is displayed in Navigator's Address Book and Roster.) 

To test the link to your office logo, type or paste this URL in your browser's address box, substituting the correct MLS and office codes. Once the link correctly displays your office logo in the browser, you can highlight its URL address and copy the URL into your computer's clipboard (use Ctrl+C in Windows, or Command+C in Macintosh). You can then enter this URL (or the URL to your office logo hosted at another website if applicable) to display this logo in your signature in email messages from CTI Navigator Web. 

To insert your office logo: open Navigator Web's Home Page > select the New Message shortcut > click the Template Manager button > click the Edit Signature button > click where you want the logo to display > click "Insert Picture" in the Insert section of the email toolbar > enter (or use Ctrl+V in Windows or Command+V in Macintosh to paste) the URL address to your company logo > (if using the template described above, ensure that you have entirely replaced {MLS} with the 3-letter code for your MLS and entirely replaced  {OfficeID} with your office code in this address) > click OK. 

To resize the image without distortion (retaining its original height-to-width ratio), click on the image > click and hold on any corner of the image frame (the cursor will become an oblique angle two-headed arrow) > then drag the frame inward to reduce image size or outward to enlarge the image. 

To re-position the image, click and hold on the image (not on its frame) and drag to a new position. 

To correct mistakes, use the Undo or Redo icons in the Edit section of the email toolbar. 

Security Note: Some recipient's email security filters may block display of linked images unless explicitly set to allow. 

Create URL Address for Listing Photo

Listing Photo links, but not photo files, can be inserted in Navigator web mail. You can use CTI Navigator Web to automatically create photo links for you, or you can manually create photo links without using CTI Navigator. See below for specific instructions.

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Automatically Create URL for Listing Photo and Insert URL in Email Message

 You can use Navigator Web to automatically create the URL address for listing photos that you can insert in your Navigator email (or elsewhere) as follows.

Search Listing > select a property > click Email icon > select a Report that includes photos > click Continue button > click on "Click here to view properties" above your signature in the New Message screen (this opens the listing report in your browser) > right-click on a photo in the report displayed in your browser > select Properties> copy the URL (right-click on the Address > click "Select All" > right-click on the highlighted address > click Copy) > close or minimize the Report in the browser > click at desired location for the photo in the body of your email message > click Picture icon (labeled "Insert Image") in Insert menu > click in URL address box and use keyboard paste shortcut (Ctrl+V in Windows or Command+V in Mac) to paste URL to the photo > click OK. The linked photo will appear where you inserted it in your email message. 

To send the photo without an MLS Report: highlight "Click here to view properties" in the message, and click either the Cut icon or Delete key on your keyboard to remove the link to the report. 

*Copy Photo Note: To copy the image to the clipboard instead of the URL for use outside of Navigator email, select Copy (instead of Properties) when you right-click on the image in the browser.

To resize an image in email: click on the photo to select an image frame > click, hold and drag a resize handle (square box on the image frame) to the desired size.

Manually Create URL in Your Browser for Listing Photo  

CTI uses a standard storage scheme for photos, and the URL address to these photos on the MLS graphics server can be readily modified for your use outside CTI Navigator. You can retrieve a listing photo directly from the graphics server by substituting your MLS code and an MLS number in the following template. Then you can paste the modified address (or saved photo) in your personal email or blog

The template for Listing photos is  http://photos.{MLS}{MLS}/Photos/Large/{Ten'sDigit}/{One'sDigit}/{MLS#}{PositionLetter}.jpg  . To use this template:

For example, the URL for listing# 219013  in the Sarasota MLS {Code= SAR} would be  .

If your MLS code was "CTI" and you wanted to display the second photo for MLS# 208359 , the link would  be  .

You can type or paste your URL directly into your browser if you would like to see the photo before inserting it into your personal email or blog. You also can then right-click on the image in most browsers, and copy or save the photo

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Use Your Gmail Account for Outgoing Email

To set CTI Navigator Web (and CTI Navigator Mobile) to send your MLS email out through your Gmail account:

  1. Click on Clients and then select Gmail Settings in Navigator Web's frame menu
  2. Enter your full Gmail address (including
  3. Enter your Google/Gmail account password (which is case sensitive)
    • Remember to update this password in CTI Navigator anytime you change your password in Google or Gmail.
  4. Click the "Verify Account" button. This should display the message "Google Username/Password is Valid." Otherwise, see  "Resolve Problems Sending Email from Navigator Web through Your Gmail Account" below.
  5. Check "Use Gmail to send my e-mail"
  6. If your Gmail has a Contacts Group named "Clients", click the "Synchronize Now" button under Gmail Contacts. For details, see the "Synchronize Client Contact Information with Gmail" tech tip below.

To use a Gmail account as a gateway to a send messages as if from a different email provider and account, see the "Use your Gmail account to send from an alternate email address" tech tip below.  

Resolve Problems Sending Email from Navigator Web through Your Gmail Account

To resolve "Invalid Google Credentials" message, or if Gmail stops delivering email from CTI Navigator Web through your account (even though Navigator sends your email to Google):

  1. Make sure that you've entered your full email address (e.g. in the Gmail settings screen under the Client button in Navigator Web's frame.
  2. Delete and re-enter your password to ensure that it is correct (especially if you have changed your password recently). Gmail passwords are case-sensitive (so ensure that your Caps Lock" key is not enabled inadvertently).
  3. Open a new browser tab or window and sign into Gmail at If you see a word verification request, type the letters in the distorted picture and finish signing in.
  4. If you see a "Suspicious sign in prevented" message from Goggle in your Gmail, follow its instructions as appropriate (click here to "Learn More" from Google).
  5. If you see an "Access for less secure apps" message, select "Turn ON"  (see step 9 below to set access from inside your Gmail account).
  6. Close your browser, open Navigator Web, select Clients, then Gmail Settings and click "Verify Account".
  7. If you're still having problems, visit and sign in with your Gmail username and password. If necessary, enter the letters in the distorted picture.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. You also may go to, sign into your Gmail account, and choose "Turn On" to let apps that use less secure sign-in technology than Google to access your Gmail account. If you receive a 404 server error, do not see this prompt, or want to check or change this setting inside Gmail, select Settings under the Settings gear icon >  Accounts and Import > Change Account Settings >> Other Google Account Setting > Signing In > Access for less secure apps > check  "Turn on".
  10. Close all browser screens, open Navigator Web, select Clients, then Gmail Settings and click "Verify Account". 

If your Gmail is set to use 2-step verification, see the "Use Gmail with optional 2-Step Verification"  tech tip below.

If you still have trouble setting Gmail to allow other apps such as Navigator Web to send email through your account, un-check “Use Gmail to send me mail” in Navigator Web until you resolve this issue in your Google account settings. Your Navigator Web email will then go out through CTI’s email account, but Replies will return to your email account in the MLS roster. When emailing through CTI’s email account, it is advisable to check “Send me a Copy” on your outgoing emails so you will have a record of what you have sent.

Use Gmail with optional 2-Step Verification

Gmail accounts can be setup with optional high-security 2-Step Verification. To sign in using 2-Step Verification requires entering both your usual Google password plus a session-specific verification code that Google sends to your phone by SMS (text message), voice call, or on Google's mobile Authenticator app; or a backup code that you previously generated.

To setup "2-Step Verification" for your Gmail:  (click here for Google's instructions but also follow steps 6 & 7 below):

  1. Sign into your Gmail
  2. Click your name or picture in the upper right corner of the screen
  3. Click on Account above the "View profile" button
  4. Click the Security tab at the top of your account screen
  5. In the Password box, click "Setup" beside "2-Step Verification"
  6. Follow Google's setup guide and select "Trust this computer" when prompted during the verification setup.
    • Trust Note: If your device is not set as trusted, you will be required to provide a new verification code every time you sign into your Google account, or to use an App specific password
  7. Important verification setup notes: 

Applications such as CTI Navigator (and Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird) cannot reply to a verification code prompt that is separate from an account password. Therefore, if your Google account is set to require 2-step verification, you must either have Google's "Trusted Computer" cookie saved in your computer's browser, or you must use an application-specific password generated by Google to send email through your Gmail account.

App Password: If you need to create an "application-specific password", follow Google's instructions (also in Google's "Troubleshoot IMAP issues" help). App passwords are 16 characters long but normally only need to be entered once. If you create an App password for CTI Navigator or for your device on which you are using CTI Navigator, enter that App specific password as the password for your Gmail on that device.

For a video demonstration by Google on setting up 2-Step Verification and App passwords, click "Using 2-step verification".

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Use Your Gmail Account to Send From an Alternate Email Address

You can set your Gmail account to send email through Gmail's servers "on behalf of" another email address that you own. Most email programs will display your message as "From" this alternate address (although some versions of Microsoft Office Outlook may display "From on behalf of"). This allows you to send email out of CTI Navigator Web (or out of your default Windows email program for Navigator Desktop) through Gmail as if from a non-Gmail account and address. 

To set your Gmail account to send messages as if from a different (alternate) email address, and so replies will return directly to this alternate address, click here for Gmail's instructions or follow the summary of steps below:

  1. Open (or create) your Gmail account (at
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right and select Settings 
  3. Select the "Accounts and Import" tab
  4. In the "Send mail as" section, click "Add another email address you own
  5. In the "Email address" field, enter your name (as you want it to appear beside From) and an alternate address 
  6. Optional: Un-check "Treat as an alias" (or click "Learn More" to determine your preference) and click Next Step
  7. Under "Send mail though your SMTP server", check "Send through Gmail (Easier to set up)" and click Next Step 
  8. On the "Verify your email address" screen, click "Send Verification
  9. Open your alternate email account and click Google's Verification link (or copy the Verification code, add the code on the Gmail screen and click the Verify button) 
  10. In the "Send mail as" section, select your alternate email address and click "Default
  11. Verify under "When replying to a message" that "Always reply from default address" (which is your alternate address) is selected 
  12. Close your Gmail screen. 

Note: This sending "on behalf of" another email address is not the same as forwarding email.

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Synchronize Client Contact Information with Gmail

To synchronize Client contacts in your Gmail (see note below) with client information in CTI Navigator Web: 

  1. Click Clients in the frame menu
  2. Select Gmail Settings 
  3. Click the "Synchronize Now" button after verifying that CTI Navigator Web can access your Gmail. 
    • Note that you verify your Gmail account and synchronize your Gmail Client contacts on the same screen in CTI Navigator Web.

If you do not have a Client Contacts Group in your Gmail, see Google's instructions on "How to Create and Manage Contact Groups in Gmail" (also in the Related Links at the bottom of this web page). 

Client contact synchronization provides the following features.

  • If your Gmail has a Contacts Group named "Clients", synchronization will attempt to download from your Gmail "Clients" group into your CTI Navigator Web those client names and their email addresses that do not already exist in your CTI Navigator Web. Gmail contacts not assigned to the "Clients" group will not be downloaded (see export in the note below).
  • If your Gmail has a Contacts Group named "Clients", synchronization also will attempt to upload from CTI Navigator Web into your Gmail "Clients" group those client names and their email addresses that do not already exist in your Gmail "Clients" group.
  • If your Gmail account does not already have a Contacts Group named "Clients", synchronization will create a Clients Contacts Group for you and attempt to upload your client names and their email addresses from CTI Navigator Web into this Gmail Clients Contacts Group. (Also see "How to Create and Manage Contact Groups in Gmail" in the Related Links at the bottom of this web page.)  
  • To protect client data from unintentional loss, this synchronization will never delete contact information from either Gmail or CTI Navigator Web. That means that even if you delete a contact from Gmail, it will remain in CTI Navigator Web until you specifically delete it; and vice versa.
  • Synchronization only transfers new or changed contact information. That means if you delete a client from either Gmail or from CTI Navigator Web after they have synchronized, the client information that remained in one program will not be added back into the other program from which it was deleted until something in the client information is changed prior to a synchronization.
  • Because both Gmail and CTI Navigator Web reside in your browser's memory, it may be necessary to refresh your browser screen for Gmail, or re-open the Client Manager screen in CTI Navigator Web, to see synchronization changes.   

Note that only contacts assigned to your Gmail Contacts Group labeled "Clients" will automatically sync with CTI Navigator Web. To transfer Gmail contacts not assigned to a "Clients" group, export the selected contacts in "Outlook CSV format" and then import that CSV file into CTI Navigator Web. To import your CSV file, select Clients then select "Import E-mail Contacts" in Navigator Web's frame menu (see "Import Client Contacts" above for more details). 

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rev. 05.23.2016