Search on a Map in Navigator Web

Index of Map Search Topics:

For information on how to use listings displayed on a search results map, see "View, Print or Email Listings on a Search Results or Property Details Map". 

Search Listings on a Map - Overview

To find and display listings within a geographical area drawn on a Map:

  1. Open a search criteria screen and enter sufficient criteria on the search form to reduce the number of matching properties to less than 2000. The number of Matches displays in the top frame of the search criteria screen (in both the Form and Map search method).
  2. Click the "Map" button beside "Search Method" in the top frame of the search criteria screen to switch to the map view.
  3. Click the "Show Properties" button at the bottom of the map.
  4. Pan and/or Zoom to the appropriate view to display the desired geographical area and/or all the desired properties (or points of interest).
  5. To draw the desired area on the map, click on and use one of the area selection tool buttons - Draw Rectangle, Draw Circle, Draw Polygon, or Radius. (See separate drawing instructions below if needed.)
  6. To specify an area on the map by distance from a reference property, use the Radius tool (as described in "Display listings within a specified distance from a property on a search criteria map" below).
  7. To view a thumbnail image and keyword description of an individual property, pause the cursor over the reference number box on the map.
  8. To view all the listings inside the area(s) selected on the Map, at the bottom left corner of the Map
    • click the Results smart-button to see the table of search results; or
    • click the Details smart-button to open the search details screen.
  9. Click the Criteria smart-button on the bottom of a Results screen or a Details screen to return to the map.

To search strictly by drawing a geographical area or areas on the Map:

  1. Open a Search criteria screen
  2. Click the "Map" button beside "Search Method" in the top frame
  3. Use one or more of the drawing tools at the bottom of the map to draw search areas.
    • Regardless of the number of matches in the shaded areas on the map, do NOT click "Show Properties" unless you previously entered sufficient criteria on the search Form to reduce the number of matching properties to less than 2000.  (See "Show properties" note for explanation.)
  4. Click the Results smart-button or the Details smart-button to see the listings located within the search area(s).

"Show Properties" note. "Show Properties" always first loads onto the map all properties that match criteria on the search Form. This is necessary to display a reasonable number of properties on the map so that drawing tools can be used to visually select subsets in highly specific and customizable geographical areas. If no criteria are specified on the Search Form, all properties attempt to load onto the map, which are too many to display and will result in an error. 

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Select Area on Map using Drawing Tools

To dynamically draw a Circle area on a Search Criteria Map

  1. Click on the "Draw Circle" button at the bottom of the Map Search screen (to open the Map properly, see Map Search Overview).
  2. Click and hold the mouse button down on a reference point (to be the center of the circle) on the map.
  3. While holding down the mouse button, drag the radius line of the circle outward (in any direction).
  4. Pause the cursor either on a point of interest, or at a desired distance from the reference point. Distance is dynamically indicated by mileage displayed at the end of the radius line. 
  5. Release the mouse button to display the area encircled.  The radius mileage will display above the center of the circle.
  6. To view properties on the map, click the "Show Properties" button (if they are not visible). 

To Automatically draw a Circle of Specific Radial Distance from a Property on a Search Criteria Map

  1. Click the Radius button at the bottom of the Map Search screen (to open the Map properly, see Map Search Overview).
  2. Select the appropriate tab to specify the location of the reference property -  by Address, MLS Listing Number, Parcel/Tax ID, or Geological Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). 
  3. Enter the Search Radius distance (in miles or fractional miles).
  4. Click OK. A circle of the specified radius will automatically display around the reference property. 
  5. Click the "Show Properties" button at the bottom of the screen to display properties that match the search criteria.

To draw a Rectangle area on a Search Criteria Map

  1. Click on the "Draw Rectangle" button at the bottom of the Map Search screen (to open the Map properly, see Map Search Overview).
  2. Click and hold the mouse button down on a point that will serve as a corner of the selected rectangular area.
  3. While holding down the mouse button, drag the cursor in any direction to select a rectangular area on the map.
  4. Release the mouse button to display the selected area.
  5. To view properties on the map, click the "Show Properties" button (if they are not visible). 

To draw a Polygon (multiple sided) area on a Search Criteria Map

  1. Click on the "Draw Polygon" button at the bottom of the Map Search screen (to open the Map properly, see Map Search Overview).
  2. Click and release the mouse button on a point on the map that will serve as the anchor corner of the polygon.
  3. Move the cursor to another corner point, then click and release the mouse button again. This will save a straight line between the two points on the map.
  4. Drag the cursor to another point on the map and click. This will create a new corner with a straight line connecting the last point selected to the original starting point. The area enclosed will be shaded.
  5. Repeat clicking and releasing the cursor at each corner point of the area to be enclosed.
    • A polygon shape allows you to exclude areas or specific properties by creating corner points around them, or by crossing boundary lines back over shaded areas to be excluded.
    • You also can follow irregular geographic contours such as around a road, river, lake, preserve, multiple school or work districts, and so forth.
  6. To complete drawing the polygon, click on the original corner point.
  7. To view properties on the map, click the "Show Properties" button (if they are not visible). 

Map Drawing Tools Notes

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Display Listings within a Specified Distance from a Property on a Search Criteria Map

To display listings within a distance you specify from a reference property on a Search Criteria Map, you can use the Radius Tool or  the "Draw Circle" map tool (described below). The Radius Tool will automatically draw a circle with a specified radius as follows:

  1. Open a search criteria screen and enter appropriate criteria.
    • Ensure that there are less than 2000 Matches to the search criteria. The number of Matches displays in the top frame of the search criteria screen (in both the Form and Map search view).
  2. Click the "Map" button beside "Search Method" in the top frame of the search criteria screen to switch to the map view.
  3. Click the Radius button at the bottom of the Map.
  4. Select the appropriate tab to specify the location of the reference property -  by Address, MLS Listing Number, Parcel/Tax ID, or Geological Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). 
  5. Enter the Search Radius (in miles or fractional miles).
  6. Click OK
  7. Click the "Show Properties" button at the bottom of the screen.

Find Unrecorded Road or New Development on a Map

Remote and newly developed roads and subdivisions may not be recorded on global mapping programs such as Bing, Google, and Yahoo Maps. However, you may still be able to locate such properties in CTI Navigator Web. To do so, locate the road, highway intersection or another subdivision nearest to the property on the map. Then change the view from Road to Aerial, and search for the property by scrolling and zooming in. This approach is especially useful when trying to enter the Map Location for a new listing in a new development that is not yet recorded on the Road map. 

Measure Distance between Multiple Properties on a Search Criteria Map

To measure the distance between multiple properties (or points of interest) on a Search Criteria Map, use the "Draw Circle" tool. This tool dynamically displays a radius measurement as you drag the cursor over the map as follows.

  1. Open a search criteria screen and enter appropriate criteria.
    • Ensure that there are less than 2000 Matches to the search criteria. The number of Matches displays in the top frame of the search criteria screen
  2. Click the "Map" button beside "Search Method" in the top frame of the search criteria screen to switch to the map view.
  3. Click the "Show Properties" button at the bottom of the map.
  4. Pan and/or Zoom to the appropriate view to easily see all the desired properties (or points of interest).
  5. Click on the "Draw Circle" button.
  6. Click and hold the mouse button down on a reference point (from which to start measuring distance) on the map.
  7. While holding down the mouse button, drag the radius line of the circle outward and pause on a point of interest. The distance between the reference property and the end of the radius line is dynamically displayed in miles and fractional miles (until you release the cursor).
  8. To measure the distance from the reference property to several points of interest, continue to hold down the mouse button and drag the radius line sequentially to each of the desired points.
    • Note the distance displayed when the courser touches each point of interest on the map.
    • When you release the mouse button (which establishes the circle boundary), the distance display (mileage) will disappear from the end of the radius line and will display beside the word "Radius" above the reference property at the center of the circle.
    • All properties displayed in the shaded area within the circle boundary are within the radius distance from the reference property to the boundary line.

To clear an area selection figure (circle, rectangle or polygon) drawn on a map, click on the round  red X marker at the starting point where you originally clicked on the map. To accurately hit the marker, it may help to zoom in closer. Area selection figures can overlap or be drawn inside one another ("stacked") on the map.

You also can use the Radius Tool  (described above) to display listings within a distance you specify from a reference property (located by Address, by MLS Listing Number, by Parcel/Tax ID, or by Latitude and Longitude coordinates) on a Map.

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rev .06.24.2014