Set Permissions and Sharing for Windows Limited Accounts
default, Limited Account (or Guest) users in Windows XP
and Windows 2000 cannot make changes to the Windows Registry
or to the hard drive. However, such changes are required to register a new
user in CTI Navigator or to save customized items created in CTI
Navigator (such as custom reports, saved searches, or individualized report
headings). Also, Standard Account users in
Windows Vista and Windows 7 have limited privileges and cannot make changes
to Windows system files that might affect other users or the security of the
By editing the Windows Registry, the Windows Computer Administrator
(and only the Computer Administrator) can grant permissions to Limited Account
users (and Standard Account users in Windows Vista and
Windows 7) to save customized changes in CTI Navigator. These
will apply only to the CTI Navigator program. The steps to edit the Windows
Registry to grant such program specific permissions are as follows:
- Click Start > Run (or simultaneously press the Windows Logo Key
+R key
on your keyboard)
- In the "Open" box type Regedt32
> press OK
- Note1: there is no "i" between the d and t
- Note 2: Type Regedit (with "i" but without "32") if
Regedt32 encounters
an error
Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (by clicking
on the + in front, or by double-clicking)
Select Creative Tech [do
not select Creative Technology]
At the top menu select Edit > Permissions
Click the Add button
Under "Enter the object names to select"
type Everyone > click OK
Under "Group or User Names"
highlight Everyone
Beside Full Control click "Allow"
> click OK
Close the Registry Editor (Click X or File > Exit)
Restart Windows.
This allows "everyone" using Windows on this
computer (regardless of Windows User Account limitations) to have "Full
Control" for saving customized CTI Navigator items.
Also, security settings in Windows XP Professional
may not allow users with Limited Accounts to change information in shared
folders. This means that users with Windows limited accounts may
not be able to update CTI Navigator. The Computer Administrator can change
these security settings in Windows XP Professional
to allow users with limited accounts to update in CTI Navigator as follows:
Right-click on Start > select Explore
In the top menu select Tools > Folder
Options > View tab
In the Advanced Settings section, un-check
"Use simple file sharing (Recommended)"
> OK
Scroll down the Folders List in the left pane and right-click
on the CTI Navigator folder under Program Files
(not the CTI Navigator folder under Programs)
Click Sharing and Security > click Sharing
tab > click "Share this folder"
Click Permissions > Under Group or User Name, select
Everyone > under Allow, check Full
Click OK
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