Fix CTI Navigator Update Problems

To fix CTI Navigator update problems, try the following steps as appropriate. You can go directly to specific instructions for a topic by clicking a quick link in the list below:

  1. Update Opens but does Not Run, or Applying Updates Does Not Complete

  2. Update Runs but information does Not Change (in Windows Vista or Windows 7) 

  3. Updating Photos

  4. Program Updates

  5. Windows Security Settings

  6. Firewall and Other Security

  7. Verify Data Path

  8. Verify Time and Date 

  9. Disable Un-necessary Startup items

  10. Dialup Connection Settings

Request Remote Assistance 

Related Articles and Internet links

  1. New or Changed Installation, or Security Changed. If the Update Manager opens but does nothing or never completes applying updates, the CTI Update Service may need to be re-started or repaired. (Starting the update service may be required following a new or recent installation of Navigator Desktop, or after running a computer "cleaner or tune-up" utility, or running or updating a new security program.)

    To re-start the CTI Update Service, re-start Windows. If re-starting Windows does not resolve the problem: 

    Shortcuts to re-start CTI Update Service:

    1. Run Command Shortcut: In all current version of Windows you can simultaneously press the Windows+R keys > type Services.msc  in the "Open" box on the Windows "Run" screen > right-click on CTIUpdateService, and click Restart.
    2. Task Manager Shortcut: In Windows Vista and later (7, 8 and 10), right-click on the Windows taskbar, select Task Manager, select the Services tab, right-click on CTIUpdateService, and click Restart.

    If the CTIUpdateService does not restart or the Update fails again, you may need to configure your Windows security program settings to ALLOW all CTI Navigator processes to run (or to exclude CTI Navigator from "auto-protection"). See the "Configure Security" section on CTI's Help and Tutorials website for instructions appropriate for your Windows Security settings and any third-party security program. 

    To repair the CTI Update Service, click here to save and then run "CTIUpdateSetup.msi". Do not run this repair utility unless the CTI Navigator program was installed successfully after April 19, 2012. After running the repair, you may need to manually re-start the CTI Update Service as described above

    If this is a new installation that includes MLS data, verify that all the data installed successfully. Data must be installed to be available to be updated.  Data can be downloaded and installed from the Internet at "Download, Install or Access CTI Navigator program, or MLS Data". Data also can be installed by running recently made CTI Navigator installation disks from your local MLS office, or by double-clicking on data.exe on the installation disk 1.  Once data is installed, there should be an Update button on the CTI Navigator log-in screen, and the path to the data on "This Computer" will be indicated by clicking on the Setup button. If there is no update button, the program is set to use data over the Internet rather than installed data. (For additional information, see "Update Issues in Windows Vista and Windows 7" in the Related Articles and Internet Links at the end of this webpage.) 

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  2. Vista and Windows 7. If Updates appear to run successfully, but there are no new changes in the CTI Navigator program or data, the update information may be getting trapped in the Windows "Virtual Store". To fix this issue in versions of CTI Navigator that were installed before April 19, 2012 in Windows Vista or 7, assign "Administrative Privileges" to CTI Navigator (see next paragraph), and also remove any CTI Navigator files in Window's Virtual Store. (Installations after April 19, 2012 use a new Update Service and do not need administrative privileges.) 

    To assign "Administrative Privileges" to CTI Navigator (installed before April 19, 2012):  open Windows Explorer > browse to C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator\ (or, in a 64-bit version of Windows, to C:\Program Files (x86)\CTI Navigator\) >  right-click on CTI Navigator.exe > select Properties > click the Compatibility tab > under Privilege Level, check "Run this program as an Administrator" > click Apply > click "Show/Change Settings for All Users" button (if this button is displayed) and in Privilege Level under the Compatibility for All Users tab, check "Run this program as an Administrator" > click OK. Use the same steps to also verify or manually set administrative privileges for the CTIUpdateManager.exe file in the CTI Navigator folder (right-click on CTIUpdateManager.exe > select Properties > click the Compatibility tab > under Privilege Level, check "Run this program as an Administrator" > click Apply or OK). 

    To delete CTI Navigator from the Windows VirtualStore: Open Windows Explorer (right-click Start and select "Explore" in Vista or, in Windows 7 right-click Start and select "Open Windows Explorer") > browse to C:\Users\{YourUserName}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files [Program Files (x86) in 64-bit Windows] > highlight the CTI Navigator folder under Program Files [or Program Files (x86)] in the VirtualStore and delete the folder and any subfolders. 

    Note: if the AppData folder is not visible: click the down arrow beside Organize on the toolbar (or click Tools) > open  "Folder & Search Options" (or under Tools select Folder Options) > select the View tab > select "View Hidden files and folders" > Un-check "Hide extensions for known file types". 

    For further details specific to Windows Vista and Windows 7, see "Update Issues in Windows Vista and Windows 7" in the Related Articles and Internet Links at the end of this webpage. 

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  3. Updating Photos. Close CTI Navigator and update manually by going to Start > Programs > CTI Navigator > Update Manager > Update button. The "Status" should change progressively from updating Program Files to updating Data files to updating Photos. (Note: if data was not installed, the Update Manager will not run manually. However, the program should automatically update itself as needed. If you are running the "program only", and it fails to update itself when you login, go to step 4 below.)

3a. If the update stops and "Updating Photos" displays in the same window underneath Status, close CTI's Update Manager, go to /Downloads/ClearReadOnlyPhoto.exe on the Internet (or click on the preceding link), and select Open or Run. (For details, see Fix Photo Install or Update errors.) The "Clear Photo Read Only" (CRO) program Clears the Read Only attribute of locked files if that is their only problem. After running the CRO, try again to update.

3b.  If the update stops at a particular photo and does not continue, or displays a message such as "unable to connect to server", "server not found",  or "file already exists", or if running ClearReadOnlyPhoto.exe in a new installation of Navigator (described above) does not resolve the photo update problem, one or more photo files may be corrupted or damaged on your computer's hard drive. In such a case, write down the MLS number (displayed in the error message or in Update Manager), close CTI's Update Manager, browse to the photo file, and delete the suspect photo (see below).  

You can go directly to MLS photos using the Windows Explorer function (right-click on Start > select File Explorer, Explore, Explore All, or Open Windows Explorer); or you can use the Windows Find/Search function to locate photo files (searching for {MLS#}*.jpg).  MLS photos are stored at  {see note 1}\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Photos\{##}\{# according to the last two digits of the listing number. The first subdirectory under Photos is the next to the last digit (the "tens" integer position) and the subdirectory under this is the last digit (the "ones" integer position). 

For example, the photos for MLS#12345  

Every MLS# in the "\Photos\4\5" folder will end in 45 followed by an alphabetical letter (such as a, b, c, through  z). The letter indicates the position of the photo in reports. The photo with the letter "a" after the number is the main photo that displays at the top of reports which show photos. 

Delete any photos that end with a .lck or .tmp extension instead of .jpg (or you can safely delete all versions of photos for the MLS# that is currently being updated regardless of extension). After deleting one or more photos, manually update to replace the deleted photo(s) and confirm that the photo you deleted was the only bad file (i.e., the entire update process completes successfully). You can always verify if your listing database is updating by running the Activity Report set to zero days back. If there are any activities zero days back (which is always "today"), the listing database has been updated (although this does not guarantee that all photos updated successfully unless you monitored updating manually as previously described).

Note 1. The path to the "\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Photos" (or to "\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Update") folder for your MLS data depends on when you installed the CTI Navigator Desktop program, and into which version of Windows it was installed.

Note 2 - Show Hidden Files and Folders.  The ProgramData folder (no space between Program and Data) should be the next folder after  \Program Files (x86)\  in Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista.  If the ProgramData folder is not visible in the Explorer view of your Windows, you can un-hide it in Window's Control Panel as follows:

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  1. Program Updates. If opening CTI Navigator or running the Update Manager starts a program update that fails, there may be an Internet access or security problem on this computer, or the installation may be missing the Update folder into which updates need to download. 
Note 3: You can cause CTI Navigator to download previous program updates by setting its version back to an earlier (smaller) number. To decrement the version of Navigator Desktop, in Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista when the Windows User Account Control is enabled:
  1. Close CTI Navigator
  2. Right-click on Notepad and open Notepad with "run as administrator" privileges
  3. In Notepad, click File then click Open 
  4. Browse to C:\ProgramData\CTINavigator\{YourMLS}\
  5. Change the File Type to "All Files (*.*) "
  6. Select the version.ini file and click Open
  7. Change the version so that it reads Version={smaller#} > {do not change the ComponentVersion}
  8. Save changes to this file and close Notepad.
Then log into CTI Navigator (click the Update button if there is one on the login screen) > at the prompt, click OK to exit CTI Navigator > after the program  update(s) complete, login again.

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  1. Windows Security Settings. Open the Windows Control Panel > {if you are using Window's "Category" view instead of Classic or icon view, open Network & Internet Connections} > select Internet Options > select Privacy tab > Advanced button > check "Override automatic cookie handling" > check "Always allow session cookies" > click OK > select "Sites" or "Edit" button also under the Privacy tab > below Address of web site enter > click Allow button > confirm Setting is "Always Allow" beside the Domain in the Managed web site section > click OK > close the Control Panel. (To completely configure security settings in Windows, follow the instructions in the Related article "Configure Security Settings in Windows".)
  2. Firewall and Other Security. Temporarily disable any antivirus, firewall, privacy service, ad/popup blocker, Internet "accelerator" or remote proxy programs. To disable Google Web Accelerator see Related article "Stop Google Web Accelerator". To disable McAfee's Privacy service see related article "Disable McAfee's Redirector Services".  If you are using a wireless Internet connection, temporarily disable any special compression or security settings that may be designed to extend the radio range of the wireless connection (or temporarily use a wired connection to the Internet). Then update manually (as described in step 2). If updates now complete, determine how to configure the program you disabled so it will allow CTI's Update Manager to run. 
    • If you are using the Windows Firewall, use the Add Programs button to add CTI Navigator.exe and CTI Update Manager icon Update Manager.exe to the Exceptions tab of the Windows Firewall. Detailed instructions are in the Related articles "Configure Security Settings in Windows." 
    • If you are using a security product from Symantec Corp. (such as Norton), follow the instructions in the Related article "Configure Norton Internet Security". The exact steps and screens can vary between different versions of the Norton program. Some versions include an "Internet Intrusion" component which also may need to be configured to always allow access to For detailed instructions on configuring Norton's Security products, see the Help function inside your installed Norton program or Symantec's on-line help (at
    • If you are using a security product from McAfee, follow the instructions in the Related Articles "Configure McAfee Firewall" and "Disable McAfee's Redirector Service". 
  1. Verify Data Path. Click on the CTI Navigator icon on your Windows desktop > click the Setup button on the Login screen > Under the Data Files tab: verify "This Computer" is selected, the path beside it is {see note 1}\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\  and that the Internet Server Address is {YourMLScode} If a tax database is included in your MLS, select the Tax Files tab: verify "This Computer" is selected, the path beside it is {see note 1}\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Data\  and that the Internet Server Address is {YourMLScode}  This information is automatically entered when the data is installed successfully. Local Area Network should NOT be selected unless your computer depends on some other local computer for programs and data. Sharing an Internet connection (such as through a DSL or cable modem) is not a Local Area Network installation.

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  2. Verify Time and Date. Verify that your computer clock  is set to the correct time, day, month, year and time zone (Eastern Time with daylight savings checked). Usually you can check by double-clicking on the clock in the lower right corner of the screen. 

  3. Disable Un-necessary Startup items. If the update still fails, it may be caused by one or more "terminate and stay resident" (TSR) programs from your Windows Startup group running in the background. These may be un-necessary miscellaneous, advertising or spyware programs that you may not know have been installed and activated, or they may be useful shortcut icons. To review or change programs that always startup every time you open Windows, follow the instructions in the related article "Disable Un-necessary Windows Startup Items ". Essentially these steps are:

    Start > Run > Type MSconfig in the Open box > OK button > StartUp tab > {note which items are checked under Startup} > click "Disable All" > {if Systray or Explorer are under Startup Items, re-check them} > re-start Windows > check "Do not show this screen again" > OK > Manually Update. If this works, you can re-store the original Startup Items by Start > Run > Type msconfig in the Open box > OK button > Startup tab > click "Enable All" if all items were originally checked, or check the specific items to startup > {un-check ccapp.exe if it is listed} > click OK > re-boot Windows.

  4. Dialup Connection Settings. If you use a dial-up Internet connection (not "always on" cable, fiber, DSL, satellite or wideband), go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab >
  •        Verify your ISP shows in the Dial-up Settings box as the "default". (If you are using AOL, ensure this is a complete installation of AOL version 9.0 or greater - not just an upgrade from an earlier version.)

  •        Verify "Always Dial my Default Connection" is selected if your computer should always connect to your dialup service. If you sometimes connect to DSL or other Internet service (such as at the office), select "Dial whenever a network connection is not present"

  •        Click "Settings" button and ensure your ISP User Name and Password are entered

  •        Click the "Properties" button and ensure the local phone number for your ISP is entered

  •        Click the OK button at the bottom of all the screens to return to Internet Options. 

Request Remote Assistance. Otherwise or if you need further assistance follow the instructions in the related articles to "Request Remote Assistance from CTI".

Note 4: Where instructions refer to {YourMLScode}, substitute CTI's 3-letter code for your local MLS. This code can be determined by opening the CTI Navigator login screen > click the Setup button >  first 3 letters in the Internet Server Address box are the MLS code. 


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Related Articles and Internet links:

To return to CTI's menu of Error Fixes, click here or use the back arrow at the top of your Internet browser. 

To go directly to CTI's menu of Help and Tutorials, click here.



