The format/layout of MLS data can change - such as when the MLS adds, removes, combines or renames data fields. A "Type Mismatch" error typically indicates that the format of some part of the MLS data or the format specified to display MLS data on your computer does not match the current MLS format.
Click on the function in which the error occurred to go directly to the appropriate instructions:
If a type mismatch error occurs while installing MLS photos, close CTI Navigator and go on the Internet to{YourMLScode}CRO.exe (see MLS Code Note below). If you are using Windows Vista: Save the {YourMLScode}cro.exe file to your desktop (or a downloads directory) > right-click on the saved file > click "Run as Administrator" > double-click on the saved file to run it in Vista. In any other version of Windows, Open or Run the {YourMLScode}cro.exe file. When the file runs, click Start on the "Clear Read Only" screen. The "CRO" program will unlock all installed or downloaded MLS photo files. After the CRO completes, click Exit and Update manually (see below).
If a "Type Mismatch" error occurs while updating, close CTI Navigator and update manually by going to Start > All Programs > CTI Navigator > Update Manager > Update button. The "Status" should change progressively from updating Program Files to updating Data files to updating Photos. (Note: if MLS data is not installed on this computer, the Update Manager will not run manually - see below.)
If you are running the program only and a type mismatch message displays when you login, there may be either a security problem on this computer or the installation may be missing the Update folder into which updates need to download. See the Related Article, Fix Update Problems.
A type mismatch error when opening a report or saved screen layout indicates that the format of some part of the MLS data does not match the format specified for display by the report or screen layout. To remove your custom layout as the default, open the Search Results table > select Menu > File > click Reset Default Screen Layout, or click Reset Default Table Layout as appropriate. This will set the default layout back to the system default. (See Related Article, Set Default Screen or Table Layout.)
If you are running CTI Navigator over the Internet without local data (or the preceding does not fix the error), close CTI Navigator > open your Internet browser > go to{YourMLScode}/CTIDataTable.dll (see MLS Code Note) > Save this file to C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator and replace the existing file of the same name (CTIDataTable.dll). If you are not prompted to replace the existing file, double-click on the saved file to register it (see the Related Article, Register dll or ocx file, for registration instructions if needed).
If the problem persists, go to{YourMLScode}/Dic.mdb > Save this file to C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator and replace the existing file of the same name (Dic.mdb).
A corrupted Adjustment Library file can cause error message Type Mismatch" or "This key is already associated with an element of this collection" when you click on Add/Edit Adjustments in a CMA. To fix this error, close CTI Navigator > right-click on Start > select Explore > browse to Program Files > Cti Navigator > {YourMLScode} > Users > {Your Agent Name} > CMA > highlight and delete AdjLibrary.txt). [Also described in the Related Article, CMA Reports and Errors.) See notes below for MLS Code and Agent Name.
If a type mismatch error occurs when you Add or Modify Listings in an old version of Windows XP, it indicates that not all Windows system files are available or are up-to-date. Current versions of Windows XP should include Service Pack 3 and all security patches. To fix this error for CTI Navigator desktop on an old version of XP, first uninstall and then re-install the program. The new install package will include all needed system components. For instructions on uninstalling and re-installing CTI Navigator, see the appropriate "Related Article" at the end of this web page.
If a type mismatch error occurs when you open Add/Modify Listings in a newer version of Windows (or up-to-date version of Windows XP), follow the instructions to Fix Version Error (see Related Article below). If the error occurs when clicking Finished in an Add or Modify Listing screen, ensure that all rooms that have at least one dimension entered also include values for both length and width. If a zero is entered for one dimension, a zero must also be entered for the second dimension (i.e., one dimension cannot be left blank if a value has been entered for the other dimension).
A type mismatch error when saving a Matchmaker search indicates that a file used by Matchmaker has been corrupted, removed or replaced, or an invalid file has been inserted into Matchmaker's folder of reference files. To resolve this error, open Windows Explorer (right-click on Start and select Explore) and browse to C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator\ {YourMLScode}\Users \Default\Reports\ListEmail. All files in this ListEmail folder are zero size (O KB) pointers that redirect saved Matchmakers to email format files stored elsewhere in CTI Navigator. Every such reference file should end with "cml" followed by a number. Examples are "1 Line.cml1", "Full Report.cml2", and "Buyer Handout.cml3". Any files in this folder that do not end in a cml# should be deleted. (See Hidden Files note below.)
MLS Code Note: Where instructions refer to {YourMLScode}, substitute CTI's 3-letter code for your local MLS (without the {} braces). This code can be determined by opening the CTI Navigator login screen > click the Setup button > the MLS code is the first 3 letters in the Internet Server Address box.
Agent Name Note: Where instructions refer to {Your Agent Name}, substitute your name (without the {} braces) exactly as listed in your local MLS. Your Agent Name is displayed in CTI Navigator under Roster > Agent/Office Info.
Related articles or Internet links:
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{rev. 10.04.2013}