Object Variable or Width Block Variable not Set error

CTI Navigator II

To recover from an Object Variable server error (such as "Object Referenced not set..." or "Object variable or Width block variable not set") in CTI Navigator II:

CTI Navigator Desktop

In CTI Navigator Desktop, the "Object Variable or Width Block Variable not Set" error often occurs as a result of a previous error. Fixing the original error usually will fix the object variable setting. 

Data Table

If the object variable error occurs when opening a table (and there is no prior error), it could be caused by a customized table setting that cannot be opened. Typically the easiest fix is to use the system default table instead of a customized table. To return to the system default table layout, open a Search Results screen and click on Menu > File > Reset Default Table Layout (see the related article, "Set Default Screen or Table Layout"). 

Otherwise, you can delete the problematic custom table if you know the name you saved it as. To delete a custom table from inside CTI Navigator Desktop: 

  1. Open a Search Results table
  2. Select Menu > File > Open Table Layout
  3. Click on the name of your Custom Table in the list
  4. Click the Delete key on the computer keyboard 
  5. Click Yes.  

If you cannot open any search results data table without incurring an object variable error, you can delete through Windows Explorer the table currently set as the default in CTI Navigator Desktop. To delete a customized default table with CTI Navigator Desktop closed: 

  1. Close CTI Navigator Desktop
  2. Open the Windows Explorer (right-click on Start > select Explore)
  3. Browse to Program Files\CTI  Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Users\{YourAgentName}\Listings\DefTable.dat 
  4. Right-click on DefTable.dat and select Delete. CTI Navigator will then revert to using its system default table. 

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Login or Update

An "Object Variable or Width Block Variable not Set" error when logging into, updating, or searching in CTI Navigator Desktop indicates that the location of CTI Navigator's data files may not be properly registered in Windows. Sometimes the registration gets corrupted when a large update (such as a tax update where available) does not complete correctly. If you are comfortable editing the way Windows runs programs on your computer (see warning below), you can manually correct CTI Navigator's file location settings in the Windows Registry as follows: 

  1. Click Start > Run > type REGEDIT > click OK
  3. Select SOFTWARE > Creative Tech > Navigator > {YourMLScode
  4. Confirm that there is one "File Locations" folder indented directly underneath {YourMLScode
  5. Right-click on and delete any other "File Locations" folder that is directly under Navigator (such as in the same column as and NOT indented underneath {YourMLScode}). The only "File Location" folder should be indented directly underneath {YourMLScode}.

Otherwise, to correct how CTI's data file locations are registered in Windows you can uninstall and reinstall the program (see related articles below for instructions to uninstall and reinstall CTI Navigator).

Warning:  Before making any registry changes, Microsoft highly recommends that you make a backup of your registry (see the related article below, "How to back up and restore the registry in Windows..."). Also, do not make any changes in the registry other than those explicitly described in these instructions. There is no undo when editing the Windows Registry!  

Note 1: Where instructions refer to {YourMLScode}, substitute CTI's 3-letter code for your local MLS. This code can be determined by opening the CTI Navigator login screen > click the Setup button > your MLS code is the first 3 letters in the Internet Server Address box.

Note 2: Where instructions refer to {YourAgentName}, substitute your name as it is spelled by your local MLS. Agent Names are displayed in CTI Navigator in the Roster

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Related articles and Internet links:

To return to CTI's menu of Error Fixes, click here or use the back arrow at the top of your Internet browser. To go directly to CTI's menu of Help and Tutorials, click here.

