Fix Microsoft Jet Database error

The error message "Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to open the same file [or change the same data at the same time ...]" indicates that one of the local data files that CTI Navigator is set to use (taxes, listing data, dictionary or data format) may be corrupted. If CTI Navigator was working correctly before this error occurred and you have made no changes, select Tools in CTI Navigator, then select Compact Listing Data

If compacting does not fix the error, you cannot login, or if CTI Navigator never worked correctly, either (1) re-install the corrupted data file (tax.mdb where available, or Mls.mdb), or (2) set CTI Navigator to get all its data over the Internet. To set CTI Navigator to always use MLS data over the Internet, see the related article below entitled "Install CTI Navigator". If CTI Navigator is already set to get all its data over the Internet when the error occurs, replace its dictionary file as described in the "Login over the Internet" section below. 


If the error occurred while taxes (where available) were updating (either over the Internet or from a tax update CD), it is likely that the tax.mdb file on your computer is corrupted. To fix, delete the existing tax file at C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Data\Tax.mdb, then re-install the tax update (see note below regarding your MLS code). To ensure that the new tax file is not corrupted while being re-installed, you may need to temporarily disable any security program on your computer that is set to scan incoming files. 

If there is a problem using the tax update CD, the latest tax file for your MLS (where available) can be downloaded from the Internet at /Downloads/{YourMLScode}TAX.exe. Note: if you are downloading taxes from the Internet into Windows Vista, Save the {YourMLScode}Tax.exe file to your desktop > minimize or close your Internet browser > right-click on the {YourMLScode}Tax.exe file on your desktop > select Run as Administrator > Allow > unzip. Do not change the "Unzip to" folder.

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Listing Data

If you have current installation disks, the listing data (and/or taxes where available) can be re-installed without re-installing the entire CTI Navigator program or all the MLS photos. To re-install listing data only, insert disk 1 > select Install Listing Data only > un-check Photos > click install. To ensure that the new data file (Mls.mdb) is not corrupted while being re-installed, you may need to temporarily disable any security program on your computer that is set to scan incoming files. (Note: if there is a problem replacing a corrupted data file, you may need to delete the corrupted file at C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Data\Mls.mdb before re-installing a new copy.)

If you do not have recently made installation CDs, you can download and unzip just the data for your MLS from /Downloads/{YourMLScode}Data.exe (see note below). Do not change the "Unzip to" folder (unless CTI Navigator is not on your "C" drive). Note: if you download the data file from the Internet into Windows Vista, Save the {YourMLScode}Data.exe file to your desktop > minimize or close your Internet browser > right-click on the {YourMLScode}Data.exe file on your desktop > select Run as Administrator > Allow > unzip. Do not change the "Unzip to" folder.

After reinstalling taxes or MLS data, manually update CTI Navigator: Select Start > all Programs > CTI Navigator > Update Manager > Update button. 

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Login over the Internet

If CTI Navigator is already set to get all its data over the Internet, a jet database error indicates that the dictionary file (dic.mdb) on your computer probably is corrupted. Close the login screen and any error messages. Then download a new dictionary file from  /Downloads/{YourMLScode}Dic.mdb. Save this dic.mdb file to C:\Program Files\CTI Navigator\{YourMLScode}\Data\Dic.mdb on your computer, and replace the existing file of the same name. 

Add/Modify Listing

If the error occurs when using the Add/Modify Listings function, the data format template file (Mlss.mdb) may be corrupted or out-of-date. Follow the instructions  in the related article below entitled ""Version error", "Invalid Bookmark", or "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument" error" to replace the Mlss.mdb file(s).


Note: Where instructions refer to {YourMLScode}, substitute CTI's 3-letter code for your local MLS. This code can be determined by opening the CTI Navigator login screen > click the Setup button > the MLS code is the first 3 letters in the Internet Server Address box.

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[rev. 07.14.09]