First copy yourself, or send yourself a test email, with a Report link from the MLS. This is to ensure that your MLS messages with Report links are being sent out correctly.
Messages also may be received, but the client may not see them, because their email view is set to display messages on the same topic underneath a "Conversation" group. If the Conversation group was created in the past and the client receives lots of email, the conversation may not be visible in the most recent messages. To fix this, the user should turn-off their email's Conversation View. The most common email View setting is by Date Received Descending (so most recent messages are at the top of the list).
Also, some Gmail users are not familiar with Gmail's 3-tab View (Primary, Promo, Updates). So they fail to look under the “Updates” tab for new information on topics previously received.
MLS Email Report links use HTML code. When the message arrives without any Report Link, the client's email may be set to block HTML content. This most often happens in Microsoft Outlook.
The safest way to set HTML security for Outlook is to add "" as a "Safe Sender" in Outlook's Junk E-mail filter, and add to the Internet browser's "Trusted Zone." To set as a Trusted Site (for Outlook and other programs), open Internet Options (from the Internet Explorer's Tools menu or from Windows Control Panel) > click the Security tab > select Trusted Sites > click Sites button > un-check "Require server verification (https:)... " > click in the "Add this website to the zone" box and type > click the Add button > click the Close button. Then Outlook can be set to not download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail, but to permit e-mail from Safe Senders and from web sites (such as in your Trusted Zone. For detail instructions, see CTI's Help and Support article, "Configure Security in Microsoft Office Outlook."
If the Report link opens with an error instead of the report, some browser security toolbar or security program setting may be blocking or corrupting the HTML link code for the Report or for its Listing Photos. In this case, either configure the security toolbar or program to allow or to exclude; or disable or remove the toolbar if it cannot be configured to not interfere. In many cases, the toolbar is actually adware that downloaded in the background along with some other program without the user being aware. This most frequently happens with free programs or browser utilities.
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rev. 06.10.2016