Export to Realty Tools

Realty Tools is a third party CMA program. MLS data can be exported from CTI Navigator Desktop in a format pre-defined for Realty Tools by opening a Search Results table > highlight the appropriate listings in the table to be exported > select Menu > Export > Predefined tab > select Realty Tools > click the OK button. A confirmation message should appear indicating the number of properties and photos that were exported. The default location for this export, including any .jpg files of the main photo associated with the exported properties, is C:\realty tools\realty tools.txt

If you use Realty Tools but the Predefined export to Realty Tools in CTI Navigator does not work properly on your computer, you can either try replacing the predefined export table in your computer or you can create a "Custom" Export of listing information to be used by your Realty Tools program.

To re-install the predefined file in CTI Navigator Desktop to export MLS data for use by the "Realty Tools" Toolkit:

  1. Close CTI Navigator
  2. Go on the Internet to /Downloads/{YourMLS}/Realty Tools.tbl  {there is one space between Realty and Tools; also see MLS Code note below}
  3. Save the "Realty Tools.tbl" file on your computer to "\Cti Navigator\{YourMLS}\Users\Default\Reports\List Tables\Realty Tools.tbl".  The full path to this file varies according to when you installed the CTI Navigator Desktop program, and into which version of Windows it was installed, as follows:. 
    • For installations after April 19, 2012, the default path in   
      • Windows 7/Vista (both 32-bit and 64-bit) is  C:\Program Data\Cti Navigator\{YourMLS}\Users\Default\Reports\List Tables\Realty Tools.tbl; and in
      • Windows XP is  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Cti Navigator\{YourMLS}\Users\Default\Reports\List Tables\Realty Tools.tbl
    •  For installations before April 19, 2012, the default path in 
      •  all 32-bit Windows is  C:\Program Files\Cti Navigator\{YourMLS}\Users\Default\Reports\List Tables\Realty Tools.tbl; and in
      •  all 64-bit Windows is  C:\Program Files (x86)\Cti Navigator\{YourMLS}\Users\Default\Reports\List Tables\Realty Tools.tbl .

MLS Code Note: Where instructions refer to {MLS}, substitute CTI's 3-letter code for your local MLS (without the {} braces). If you do not know this code, it can be determined by opening the CTI Navigator login screen > click the Setup button > the MLS code is the first 3 letters in the Internet Server Address box.

To create a custom export for Realty Tools, open a Search Results data table and highlight the appropriate listings in the table to be exported. Then go to Menu > Export > Custom tab > beside Save in, select the Browse button > change Save in to Realty Tools > select realty tools. txt > click Save button > [Save in: should show C:\realty tools\realty tools.txt] > beside Layout, select the Browse button > change Look in to Default > select Realty Tools > click the Open button > [Layout: should show Default\Realty Tools] > un-check "Use Layout from table > check "Tab Delimited" > check "Include Field Names on First Row" > beside Photos per property, click the down-arrow and select "Up to 1" > click OK button. A confirmation box will show the number of listings and photos exported.

For more information on using data tables, see Using CTI Navigator > Data Table > Data Table Overview in the Help inside CTI Navigator.

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