Configure avast! AutoSandbox, Web Shield or Firewall

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avast! 2015

To configure the avast! Free AntiVirus 2015 "Web Shield" to not scan or block the CTI Navigator website for your MLS:
  1. Open avast (click on small yellow icon on Windows task bar at bottom of the screen)
  2. At bottom of left menu of the Overview screen, select Settings 
  3. On left menu of the Settings screen, select Active Protection
  4. Beside Web Shield click on Customize
  5. On left menu of the Web Shield settings screen, select Exclusions
  6. Under “URLs to Exclude”, enter the primary web address for your MLS (or enter http://* and click the Add button
  7. Optional: Under “URLs to Exclude”, enter the secondary web address for your MLS (or enter http://* and click the Add button
  8. Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen and close avast!
  9. Close and re-open your Internet browser
  10.  If  the primary address is still blocked, enter the secondary web address for your MLS.
  11.  If both primary and secondary websites are blocked, re-start your computer.
If both primary and secondary websites are blocked after re-starting your computer: 
  1. Disable the Web Shield in avast; or
  2. Reset avast:
    • "Programs and Features" in the Windows Control Panel 
    • Select  avast
    • Click "Change" and then click "Repair".

To configure all avast! Free AntiVirus 2015 "Shields" to not scan or block the CTI Navigator website for your MLS:

  1. Open avast (click on small yellow icon on Windows task bar at bottom of the screen)
  2. At bottom of left menu of the Overview screen, select Settings 
  3. On the General Settings screen scroll down the middle of the screen and click the down arrow beside "Exclusions
        [click on image to enlarge]
  4. Select the "URLs" tab
        [click on image to enlarge]
  5. Enter the primary web address for your MLS (or enter http://* and click the Add button
  6. Optional: Under “URLs to Exclude”, enter the secondary web address for your MLS (or enter http://* and click the Add button
  7. Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen and close avast!
  8. Close and re-open your Internet browser.
To disable the Web Shield in avast (for all websites):
  1. Open avast (click on small yellow icon on Windows task bar at bottom of the screen)
  2. On left menu select Settings
  3. On left menu select Active Protection
  4. Beside Web Shield left-click the ON button
  5. Select the desired time period to STOP the Web Shield. After a pause, “ON” should change to “OFF.”
  6. Click the OK button and close avast!

avast! 7 & 6 Antivirus and Internet Security AutoSandbox

The avast! AutoSandbox feature is designed to run "potentially suspicious applications" in a completely isolated virtual environment to prevent malicious programs from damaging your computer system. Running CTI Navigator or CTI UpdateManager in the avast! sandbox "virtual environment" can prevent needed changes in CTI Navigator from being saved to your computer. The easiest way to configure the AutoSandbox in avast! to allow CTI Navigator and CTI UpdateManager to run normally is to select "Open normally" (do not select avast's default recommendation to "Open in sandbox"), and check "Remember my answer for this program" before clicking OK on avast!'s security warning screen. 

    [click on image to enlarge]

Otherwise, follow the steps below to leave the avast! AutoSandbox enabled but to not interfere with CTI Navigator:  

  1. Close CTI Navigator.
  2. Open avast! user interface (either right-click on the avast orange ball icon in the system tray and click "Open avast! user interface" 


     or double-click on the avast! desktop icon ).

  3. Click the "Additional Protection" tab on the left, select AutoSandbox, and then click the Settings button (on the right):

  4. Select AutoSandbox in the list on the left, select/confirm "Ask" as the AutoSandbox Mode, and click the Add button at the bottom:
       [click on image to enlarge]
  5. Under "Files that will be excluded from automatic sandboxing", either type the full path to CTI Navigator; or click the browse button, and browse to where CTI Navigator is installed on your computer [typically C:\Programs Files\CTI Navigator\  or  C:\Programs Files (x86)\CTI Navigator\]
  6. Select the CTI Navigator.exe file and click OK or press Enter. [Note. The ".exe" extension may be hidden until you change your Windows Explorer folder options to "Show Hidden Files or Folders".]
  7. In a new box under "Files that will be excluded from automatic sandboxing" repeat typing or browsing the full path to the CTI Navigator folder
  8. Select the CTIUpdateManager.exe file and press Enter.
  9. Click the OK button to save these settings, and then close the avast! user interface screen. 

Click here to go directly to avast!'s support website for "Using the AutoSandbox". 

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avast!5x Internet Security Firewall

The Firewall in avast! Internet Security follows "Application Rules" to control the level of Internet access granted to specific software applications such as CTI Navigator. Default rules are created automatically by avast! when an application is first used on a computer running avast! Internet Security. If you need to adjust the Application Rule avast! Internet Security creates for CTI Navigator, follow the steps below.
  1. Run a CTI Navigator Internet function (such as Update or browser-based login) and then close CTI Navigator.
  2. Open avast! Internet Security's user interface
  3. In the left pane click "Firewall" and then click Application Rules.
      [click on image to enlarge]
  4. Select Creative Technology or CTI Navigator in the Application column. If CTI is not listed, see note 1 below to create a new group.
  5. Under "Allowed Connections" beside CTI Navigator, click the tallest orange bar to select "All connections":
    This setting should allow the CTI Navigator program to access the Internet for both incoming and outgoing communications.
  6. Click OK.

Note 1. If neither Creative Technology nor CTI Navigator are listed in the Application list:

Note 2. It should not be necessary, but you can specify the MLS server as a trusted network "Friend" as follows:

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avast!5.x Antivirus Real-Time Web Shield

avast!5 Antivirus does not usually need to be configured to work with CTI Navigator. However, if it does interfere with downloading MLS program and/or data updates over the Internet, avast's Web Shield can be configured as follows:

  1. Open avast! User Interface.
  2. Click "Real-Time" Shield in the left menu
  3. Click Web Shield and either: 
    • click the Stop button to temporarily stop Web Shield, then click OK; or
    • click the "Expert Settings" button, and on the Main Setting screen either: 
      • click Exclusions (recommended) on the left > check "URLs to exclude" > enter in the box and click the OK button (see notes below); or
      • uncheck "Enable Web scanning" to permanently stop Web Shield (not recommended). 

Note a: If downloaded files are being corrupted, under Web Shield > Expert Settings > Exclusions > Main Settings, uncheck "Use Intelligent Stream Scanning". This sets downloaded files to be scanned only after all the parts have been downloaded and reassembled in a temporary folder, rather than being scanned piece meal as partial packets arrive. 

Note b: If Web Shield falsely identifies downloaded CTI Navigator files as infected, under Web Shield > Main Settings > select Sensitivities > click a shorter Orange bar to lower the Heuristic sensitivity. Unlike comparisons to known virus signatures, heuristics are just probabilistic estimates of the likelihood that a file may harbor a new unknown virus. 

avast!4.6+ Antivirus Web Shield Proxy

Starting with version 4.6, avast! antivirus comes with an "on-access" scanner that re-directs all HTTP Internet traffic through a local antivirus filter. This Web Shield "transparent proxy" can interfere with downloading MLS program and/or data updates over the Internet. If there is a problem updating CTI Navigator on a computer running avast, the OnAccess Protection should either be temporarily paused/disabled, or its proxy setting removed from the Windows Internet Options.

To turn off the avast! Web Shield (in versions prior to version 5), right-click on the avast! "a" icon in the Windows system tray > select OnAccess Protection Control > select pause, disable, or terminate.

To remove the avast! OnAccess Protection proxy server setting in Windows:

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab
  2. Select the appropriate Internet Service as follows:
    1. If using a Dial-up Internet service, click Settings button;
    2. If using a broadband (non-dialup) Internet service (such as DSL or cable), click LAN Settings button
  3. Clear/Un-check all boxes under Automatic Configuration
  4. Clear/Un-check the box under Proxy Server
  5. Click OK.

It may be possible (see avast! Web Shield Issues link below) to permanently configure the avast! Web Shield (in versions prior to version 5) to allow CTI Navigator and its update manager functions to run over the Internet as follows:

  1. Right-click on Start > select Explore
  2. Progressively select C > Program Files > AL WIL Software > Avast > Data
  3. Double-click on the file avast4.ini   {it should open in Notepad}
  4. Find the [WebScanner] section
  5. In this [WebScanner] section type OptinProcess=CTI Navigator.exe, CTIUpdateManager.exe   {be sure to include a comma between the file names}
  6. Close Notepad and save the changes
  7. Restart the Web Shield provider - terminate and then start again.

If you have any problems configuring your version of avast!, home (non-commercial) users should consult the avast! Technical Support website (see related articles below) or email for assistance in configuring avast! to not interfere with your MLS program (CTI Navigator). CTI Navigator uses the Internet standard (HTTP over port 80) to transfer MLS information over the Internet. If you decide to uninstall avast!, you may need to use their uninstall utility (see related articles below). 

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avast! Mail Shield

By default Mail Shield will attempt to scan the content of  both incoming and outgoing email. To prevent unintended interference, you may un-check "Scan Outbound messages". To configure email accounts that require encryption, click the "Expert Settings" button and follow the instructions at .

[click on image to enlarge]

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rev. 07.10.2015